Child Labor

I think that children should not have to work because they needed to go to school so they could learn and so they knew how to read and write and if they wanted to work they should’t had to work for so long and get paid very little.They should’t have to work were they got killed what if that was your kid that got killed or got there figure or foot broke or even got cut off. So that is why I  think  that children should not work.

My Suprem Court Job

My job as Supreme court is to finally submit the laws and the highest law is the Constitution.But I don’t have all the power it is limited to two other branches of government.  The President nominates Justices to the court. I can serve out as long as I want to. The average length was 16 years but since the 1970’s the average tenure has increased to 26 years. Justice Scalia has been on the court for more than 27 years. The longest serving Justices of all time was William O. Douglas at more than 36 years

Weapons of Revolutionary war

The most common Revolutionary war weapon was the flintclack musket ,commonly know as Brown Bess,and was first used in 1768.The Muskets were muzzle loaded with a single shot or grape shot which are multiple fired balls from shoulder .the muskets had a short range and was not very accurate and used by infantry.The revolutionary war muskets’s were commonly eqiupped with bayonets .Only about 20% of the lead fired from one army to hit another target.

Betsy Ross

Betsy Ross made the American flag during the revolutionary war

Betsy Ross sewed the first flag 1776

her family died

Betsy Ross                                                                                                   George hired Betsy

British thought George Washington was surrendering

The legend is based on Ross’s grandson

There is no evidence that Betsy made American flagbetsy_ross

Pearl Harbor

President FDR made the day of Infamy day.

Eighteen ships were either damaged or they suck.

Arizona was the first ship that sank at 7:55 when Japan drop a torpedo.

Roosevelt declared war on Japan the day after Pearl Harbor.

L.T.,General,Admiral,Husband E. Kimmel  were demoted of there full rank after Pearl Harbor.

Hero names were Joseph McDonald.

Airzona is were the memorial of Pearl Harbor is located.

Remembrance of pearl harbor december 7,1941.

Bomber was a large airplane that drop bombs.

Onother name for pearl harbor is ww2 world war 2

Remembrance of pearl harbor put the us in ww2
